Some of My Images

mountain goat scratchboard

ponderosa pine drawing

anthocoridae nemoralis

seahorse drawing


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Imagery of the Natural World

My interests in zoology and art were combined when I completed a Scientific Illustration Certificate at the University of Washington in 2004. Then I received a Web Multimedia Certificate from BCC in 2006. I am continuing to expand my GIS skills while producing maps in ArcGIS. All of these images are protected by US Copyright Laws.

I have had work on exhibit at the:

I have also worked on a variety of natural resource related Geographic Information Systems (GIS) projects as well. Look Below to see the "Graduate School Locator" based on 2006 weather data or look at some GIS Maps I have designed.

I worked on a website for Dr. Gage at Michigan State University. The original design was modified somewhat. The subject matter of the website incorporates my interests in GIS, web design, and bioacoustics.

Also, I am developing a Photo Gallery of my various travels. If it doesn't work, that is because this server does not support xml, sorry.

Exciting news my stippled illustrations of 10 different species of Anthocoridae genitalia have now been published in the 2012 edition of the Annals of The Entomology Society, in an article by Dr. Horton! Check it out!

"Listen to the serenade of nature singing the Song of God. The voice that floats on the wings of the wind, to those who are able to hear, is Love's celestial Song of Love that will drive away all fears."
-Old Native Hawaiin Fisherwoman

Experiencing Technical Difficulties
All Rights Reserved for All Images on Site ©2008 Lane Inc. Last Updated:May 2012
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